
To prepare us for complete living is the function which education has to discharge. H. Spenser. Syn. — Education, Instruction, Teaching, Training, Breeding. Education, properly a drawing forth, implies not so much the communication of knowledge as the discipline of the intellect, the establishment of the principles, and the regulation of the heart. Instruction is that part of education which furnishes the mind with knowledge. Teaching is the same, being simply more familiar.

It is also applied to practice; as, teaching to speak a language; teaching a dog to do tricks. Training is a department of education in which the chief element is exercise or practice for the purpose of imparting facility in any physical or mental operation. Breeding commonly relates to the manners and outward conduct. © Webster 1913. OED gives the etymology from educare and the base Latin form would be educo but this had/has two different senses.

The first is the rearing or raising of children, livestock, comparable to modern sense, and the second is to draw or lead out, to bring before a court, to raise, to bring up the rear, etc. I like what the second sense brings with the image of a civilized human being being drawn out of a great ape with a language facility. 10. Crime Reduction: Informative can be an effective tool in combatting crime rates and increasing community safety. Studies consistently reveal a correlation between higher levels of education and decreased levels of criminal behavior.

By offering opportunities for personal growth, stable employment, and a sense of purpose for its recipients, education can help break the cycle of criminality while contributing to safer neighborhoods. What the student learns must be relevant to him. He should be encouraged to make connections between what is learned in the classroom and the experiences of his daily activities. This real-world context allows for the student to reflect upon the application of what he learns in the classroom.

Carol Rodgers describes this reflection as a meaning-making process that moves the learner from one experience into the next with deeper understanding of its relationships with and connections to other experiences and ideas. (845 Rodgers) One role of the teacher is to rouse this sort of reflection when it is appropriately related to the class material. When the student integrates his own interests and musings into class projects and discussions, the teachers should take his ideas seriously and motivate him to build upon them.

Unfortunately, the teacher can only do so much to cater to her students individually. Students must eventually learn to be self-reliant, treating the teacher as a resource. For this to happen, it is important that a general atmosphere that encourages enthusiasm of the subject matter be maintained, one that is conducive to learning. Once this is done, the teacher can appropriately work her students’ interests and ideas, and help them develop both in school and independently of it.

It is critical that the students see the importance of learning both inside and outside of the classroom. For instance: when I attended public middle school, my course on U.

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